Serbian opposition in Brussels: Lazovic says “We have reason to be optimistic”

Radomir Lazovic of the opposition Green-Left Front, who is currently in Brussels with his colleagues from the opposition, told N1 that they “have reason to be optimistic.”

Lazovic said that Serbian opposition representatives are having talks with representatives of the European Commission, European Union (EU) Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, and with some other people who “know what is happening in Serbia.”

“Following our visit to Strasbourg and the European Parliament (EP), the EP Resolution was adopted, I hope we will have the same result today, when we should find out if a mission will be sent to Serbia.”

The Serbia Aganst Violence coalition has requested an international investigation into the Serbian December 17 elections.

Also expected is the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) final report on the Serbian December 17 elections.

“That is another finding that is important. Why is the ODIHR report important – because many EU member states, like France and some others, have said that they will take a position on the Serbian elections precisely after this report is published. Judging by what we know, it is going to be ever harsher on those responsible for the election fraud than the first one,” said Lazovic.

He said he expects “the hysterical reactions from the government to continue.”

“They are on the defensive, trying to evade these arguments and findings. Following our diplomatic offensive, which continues, we will again be in Berlin, where we will talk again with representatives of the Bundestag, try to seek the support of the EU,” said Lazovic, noting that the opposition wants a different future for Serbia.

He said they “have reason to be optimistic.”

“We very clearly expect what is written in the EP Resolution, the setting up of a committee that would first investigate everything that happened, look at how serious these manipulations are, all the observers said they had never seen anything like it, and that’s not all. After that, someone has to bear responsibility,” said Lazovic.

He said the opposition representatives’ task is to “convince the European partners that this mission must come as soon as possible to start its activities,” so new elections are not held under the same conditions.

Lazovic said he hopes their diplomatic initiative will be successful, adding it would be regrettable and devastating for Serbian society if no international investigation were conducted.

“This is a join effort of the opposition, not just of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, but of all the people who care about democracy and are fighting for us to move in a democratic rather than in an authoritarian direction,” said Lazovic.

Objavljeno: 27.02.24.

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